Thursday, July 25, 2013


THE 14 FIBS OF GREGORY K. by Greg Pincus. Scholastic, October 2013.

Gregory is not the math genius his father and older brother are. THAT is must one of the problems he is facing. He is not doing well in math; his best friend Kelly is moving, and he is fairly certain his mother and father will not let him go to Author Camp. As a matter of fact, there is talk of a meth camp for the summer. How would he survive that? Enter Gregory's math teacher, someone who sees the talent Gregory possesses even if it is not mathematical. Perhaps Mr. Davis might have some way for Gregory to pass math and get to go to Author Camp, too? Pincus blends humor (and some of it is mathematical), math (especially Fibonacci numbers), the power of words, and cooking and poetry in a novel sure to appeal to a wide range of readers. Ladder this with THE CANNING SEASON, A TANGLE OF KNOTS, and more. Oh, and use it in English class as well as Math class, too.

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