Sunday, August 11, 2013

Slice of Life

A PICTURE BOOK OF DANIEL BOONE y David Adler with illustrations by Matt Collins. Holiday House, 2013.

ANNE FRANK'S CHESTNUT TREE by Jane Kohuth with illustrations by Elizabeth Sykes. Random House, 2013.

JFK by Jonah Winter with illustrations by AG Ford. Katherine Tegen Books, 2013.

Here are three books that provide a slice of life glimpse into the life of Anne Frank, JFK, and Daniel Boone. All three forms and formats are a bit different from the other. Provide sets of books like these to kids (and the age range here can be from beginning readers to high school depending on the final product requested/desired). Allow time for comparison and contrast. Bring in next other sets of biographies about these three individuals (that should not be tough at all). Compare and contrast information, approach, story, etc. There really is no limit to what can be done in a classroom with these books.

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