Friday, October 7, 2011

So Shelly, Bryon, and Keats!

As SO SHELLY by Ty Roth (Delacorte 2011) opens, readers meet Gordon Byron and John Keats as they are stealing Shelly's ashes from the altar of the church where her funeral is being held. Shelly has left instructions for both of them, though separately. They are to head out to "her" island, spread her ashes, and listen to a CD she has made. Shelly, it seems, has thought of everything. This modern environment of he friendship among these writers of a bygone era follows some of the history the three shared in their lives. Setting the story in contemporary society will permit those who know the works of these three to see their timelessness in art and in personality. However, readers who are not privy to the past will also find much to appreciate here. <508>


  1. This sounds like a fascinating story. I love the concept of setting these classic writers in modern society.

  2. Sounds very interesting. I like what the author did. Basing a story on these poets from the past in a contemporary setting is quite imaginative of the author.

  3. This sounds like something I would very much enjoy reading.

  4. The cover is so inviting already and the labels: incest, narcissim, poets, and suicide give me chills. This is definitely a must read.

  5. LS5385
    This sounds like a great read. The cover looks great and eye catching.
