Monday, January 14, 2013

Ch-ch-chapter books

AMELIA BEDELIA MEANS BUSINESS by Herman Parish with illustrations by Lynne Avril. Greenwillow, 2013.

Amelia Bedelia books are back and feature a young Amelia Bedelia who is just as literal as her adult self will be. When Amelia decides she needs a new bike, her father tells her he will meet her half way. He is finally able to explain what that means to the highly literal minded Amelia. Chapters are short, there is non-stop action and, of course, terrific good humor.

RICKY VARGAS: BORN TO BE FUNNY by Alan Katz with illustrations by Stacy Curtis. Scholastic, 2013.

Ricky is back and he is still the class cut-up. Lucky for him, he has a sensitive teacher who allows him to clown around and tell jokes from time to time. And then one day, his beloved teacher is not there. Will this be the end to Ricky's stand up career?

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