Tuesday, August 21, 2012

not your average airplane book

ADAPTATION by Malinda Lo. Little Brown, 2012.

Reese and David are returning from a debate tournament, one that did not go well, when they are stranded along with their coach in the airport. Reports of flocks of birds bringing down airplanes in a couple of locations have brought things to a grinding ground stop. However, Reese and David think there is more to the story. Along with their coach, they rent a car and attempt to drive back to San Francisco. When their teacher is murdered during an attempted car jacking, Reese and David are on their own. A car crash in the deserted desert will change their lives in ways they could never have predicted. Mystery, conspiracy, government collusion, and more are effortlessly woven into this novel that explores humanity from all angles. Creepy and frightening, this is classic science fiction. <455>

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