Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Plethora of Picture Books

ALL FOR ME AND NONE FOR ALL by Helen Lester with illustrations by Lynn Munsinger. Houghton Mifflin, 2012.

Gruntly is a real hog when it comes to toys, food, or anything else for that matter. His rule is "all for me and none for all." Fortunately, he does learn an important lesson about sharing with his friends. <337>

CATTY JANE WHO HATED THE RAIN by Valeri Gorbachev. Boyds Mills Press, 2012.

Catty Jane hates the rain. The thunder and lightning are frightening, and who wants to get wet anyhow? Her friends get together to cheer her up and persuade her that rain can be fun. <338>

GOOD NEWS BAD NEWS by Jeff Mack. Chronicle Books, 2012.

Rabbit brings some good news to Mouse in the form of a picnic basket. However, there is bound to be some bad news as rain begins to fall. Similar in form to FORTUNATELY by Remy Charlip, this is a wonderful book about cause and effect, but mostly about determination. Easy to read since the only words are the ones in the title! <339>

IT'S A TIGER by David LaRochelle with illustrations by Jeremy Tankard. Chronicle Books, 2012.

What is that swinging through the vines? Is it a monkey? No, IT'S A TIGER!It seems that pesky tiger appears at every turn int he story. What is our hero to do? <340>

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