Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Breaking Stalin's Nose

Here is a Newbery Honor Medal book, BREAKING STALIN'S NOSE by Eugene Yelchin (Holt 2011).

Sasha is so excited he can hardly wait for his father to come home from work. He is finally old enough to become a member of the Young Pioneers, youth dedicated to their beloved leader and teacher, Stalin. When his father returns to the commune that evening, he gives Sasha the red neckerchief he will be awarded in tomorrow's ceremony at school. However, before morning, the secret police come and arrest Sasha's father. Quickly, Sasha is homeless. He is certain that there has been a huge error and is determined to get word to Stalin who will fix everything. But by school time, Sasha has been unable to do anything. Events conspire at the school to take Sasha from a favorite student to an outcast. What is the truth about his own father? And the mother who died years earlier? Who can Sasha trust? Velchin has created a tale that is chilling as readers come to understand how repressive this society is. Short chapters, illustrations, and a driving story line makes this an ideal book for reading aloud and for sharing with reluctant readers, too. <75>

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great book! It's going on my summer reading list :)
